
Welding Fumes – How to Manage Them

Several weeks back the Viking team enjoyed three full days of meeting clients new and old at EMEX. One of the biggest takeaways for us was just how much of a concern Welding Fumes are becoming for fabrication workshops.

Recently, Safe Work Australia dropped the acceptable level of airborne contaminants from Welding Fumes to 1 mg/m3 as an 8-hour time weight average (TWA). This brings Australia in-line with the majority of Europe, and represents an 80% reduction in “safe” levels (down from 5 mg/m3 previously).

We often mirror Australia with standards such as this. While Worksafe NZ hasn’t dropped their acceptable limit down from 5 mg/m3, they’re likely to soon. For many workshops in NZ this will mean that their current ventilation setup simply isn’t enough.

Given that New Zealand is experiencing a shortage of skilled labour, having a workspace that people want to spend time in is paramount. Company culture aside, having a clean & tidy space for tradespeople to work in that also protects their health could be the difference between a successful hire, and them choosing somewhere else to work. 

Additionally, welding fumes have clear, documented side-effects when exposure is too high. Check out these two articles from Worksafe NZ:

1. Welding and Local Exhaust Ventilation

2. Healthy & Safety in Welding

Fortunately, this is a problem Viking has been solving for years. We supply and install Extraction Arms, Roof Fans, and various other forms of Cross/Down-draft extraction to cope with fumes in workshops. These can be broken down into two types:

Active Ventilation

Extraction Arms, Cross/Down-Draft Extraction Hoods and Mobile Extraction Units are all “Active” styles  of ventilation, simply because they are positioned close to the work area. These ensure that fabricators are protected whilst working, provided they also wear appropriate PPE such as PAPR Helmet Filter Systems.

Passive Ventilation

Roof fans are “Passive” ventilation. Their main goal is ensuring the air in a given workspace is exchanged a given number of times per hour (generally 15-20 per hour for welding workshops). These deal with any transient fumes that don’t get picked up by active forms, preventing other staff in the factory from being exposed to excess fumes and ensuring a cleaner general workspace.

Link to : Extraction Arms , Roof Fans

Each of these will ensure appropriate removal of welding fumes when placed and sized correctly.

All you need to do is get in touch with us.

Fume Extraction Collage
A series of extraction setups to manage Welding Fumes

We excel at extraction of all kinds of Dust and Fumes. If your business does fabrication, and any of the points in this post resonate with you then all you need to do is get in touch, we’re here to help.

Call or Message us today

Talk to a Viking

#weldingfumes #extractionsystems #fabrication #dustextraction

EMEX 2024

EMEX 2024 is fast approaching, and we’re excited to meet all our clients at our stand and around the venue.

If you’ve never been to EMEX before, you should absolutely consider coming. Whether you’re looking for new equipment, advice on engineering and design or just want to see something interesting then you won’t be disappointed.

We’re New Zealands largest solver of Dust and Fume problems and have been for over 40 years, so come see us at Stand 3010

CLICK HERE: Link to our EMEX Page

Visit our other Socials

It start’s with an idea..

At Viking, we’re “idea’s guys” first.

Whilst a lot of our products are standardised, every project is different. This means that layouts change, combinations of parts are never the same, but every idea our customers have must be made reality.

This is an image of a large heat-treatment oven we made recently. Designed from scratch by us, manufactured in-house, and installed by one of our incredible site teams.

We’ve been offering bespoke dust extraction systems, heat treatment solutions, spray booths and much more for over 40 years, and we’re good at it.

Here’s a few exciting features of our new range of heat-treatment ovens, all designed and built to IPSM15 specifications

Holds 1000 P10 Timber Pallets achieving bake cycle times as low as 4 hours

Now includes Smart-Cycling with increased airflows in both forward and reverse to achieve more uniform heat transfer

Once the timber has reached 57°C, a 30-min bake cycle is held. Temperature probes take a min x min recording, and print this on a batch docket upon completion.

We have a huge range of options available. From 40-foot containers, through to the mighty VHTO1200. If you’re after heat-treatment options, we can help

Call today, Talk to a Viking


#dust-extraction #extraction-systems #heat-treatment-oven

What We’ve Been Up To

Here’s a small selection of manufacturing we’ve done recently.

All of this was designed, laser-cut, pressed, rolled, fabricated and assembled at our factory in Te Atatu South.

Whether its Mild Steel, Stainless or Aluminium, Big or Small, we’re all about the end result. Starting with making sure we understand exactly what you (the customer) require, we can ensure everything is perfect before it gets out the door.

Got dust in your factory? Fumes? Some sheet-metal parts you need made? Whatever it is, we can help.

Talk to a Viking

#welding #assembly #sheetmetal #steel #extraction

Spray Booths

Viking are the largest manufacturer of Spray Booths in New Zealand.

We have a huge range of standard Spray Booths, or we can customise them to your specification.

Our range includes:

  • Mixing & Working Rooms
  • Spray & Bake
  • Container Booths
  • Preparation Rooms
  • Open-Face
  • Truck Booths

These are all compliant with AS/NZ4114.

Over the years we’ve made booths for many of New Zealands largest businesses, we’d love to know if you’ve seen any of them around!

If you’re after a Spray Booth, or even just interested in finding out more then give us a call today at 0508 XTRACT.

Talk to a Viking

#spraybooths #booths #vikingironcraft

Modular Ducting

On top of our range of custom products, Viking supply an enormous range of Modular Ducting to industry in NZ.


Some key benefits of Modular Ducting include:

  • Fast Turnaround (all off the shelf!)
  • Simple & Quick to Install
  • Compatible with other systems
  • Competitive Pricing

We have everything. Branches, Dampers, Clamps and everything in between.

If you need an extension to your existing ducting, replacement parts, or even an entirely new system then we can help.

Get in touch with us today at 0508 XTRACT

Talk to a Viking

#modularducting #ductingsystems #vikingironcraft #sheetmetal


Why Viking?

With so many options now-days… why choose us?

Our difference is that while we do sell standard products, each project we undertake is tailored to that specific customer. We visit your site, find out exactly what you’re after, then 3D model the entire thing in Solidworks so we can manufacture on-spec, every time.

We also innovate on our parts continuously. Take this baghouse door handle as an example:

This is a part we use in our systems all the time. The first iteration was made up of several pieces, including some flat-bar which needed cutting to size, some welds to join everything together, and hot-dip galvanising to complete.

The iteration we use today is made entirely from sheetmetal, needing only a small amount of laser-cutting, and a few bends on the press before final assembly. This means we do everything in one room, instead of using precious time and money on additional processes.

Baghouse Handles Version 1 to 3 (left to right)

What this means is you’re getting a product that is customised for you. Our consistent innovation reduces cost while also improving the look and feel of our systems, benefits we pass on to you.

If you’re after an extraction system that we guarantee will suit your needs, get in touch with us today at 0508 XTRACT

Talk to a Viking


#sheetmetal #extractionsystems #vikingironcraft #dustextraction 

Working in 3D

With the recent opening of our Sheetmetal division, we’ve had a chance to apply our 4o+ years of learning as a business to an entirely new venture.

While we’ve been making sheetmetal products for the entire lifetime of Viking, we haven’t been offering this as a service until now.

Cutting Direct from 3D Models

This has been a challenge for many years in the sheetmetal industry. With the popularity of 3D CAD software such as Solidworks and Inventor, many engineering businesses are designing everything on their computers. Traditionally, most laser-cutting machines will take a 2D Flat-Pattern of a sheetmetal part, in the form of a DXF or DWG file.

Having to export these files from 3D to 2D for every single part is tedious. If the responsibility for exporting these files lies on the engineering business, it becomes a huge time-sink for their employees. If the sheetmetal service provider does this for them, it comes at additional cost.

How do we solve this?


Viking decided to purchase licenses of Metalix’s CAD/CAM Sheetmetal package several years ago, and we’ve found huge benefit in using this to drive our laser-cutting and press machines.


Metalix AutoNest – Nested Flat Patterns from 3D Models

Upon opening the sheetmetal division, we began to automate this process even further. We can now take 3D Models directly from a customer along with a bill of materials (BoM), and using the Metalix package go directly to manufacture.

Metalix takes in 3D models of various formats, recognises whether bending is required, and automatically generates flat-patterns for the laser.




Metalix MBend – 3D Visualisation of Bent Part & Required Tooling


The MBend add-on performs a similar task for our press machines, turning 3d Models directly into press-programs that are sent to the machines. This removes the need for our operators to manually programme each step (a tedious process), and even selects appropriate press tooling from our catalogue.

This Add-on, like the the rest of the package, will take many 3D formats such as .STEP, Parasolids (.X_T) along with most native outputs from CAD packages such as Solidworks and Inventor (.SLDPRT & .IPT).


Our Promise

With all this technology, we will save you exceptional amounts of time if you come to us with your sheetmetal needs. Automation helps us to keep pricing competitive, with lead-times generally a matter of days.

Lastly, because we manufacture directly from your 3D model, you can be sure that the parts will be made exactly as intended.

If you have a project you’re interested in discussing with us then get in touch today!

Talk to a Viking

#sheetmetal #vikingironcraft #automation #lasercutting #bending

More Fans

Most of us buy fans for when the weather gets warm at home, why not have them in your factory as well?

At Viking we manufacture a huge range of Fans, some of which remove hot air and fumes. These can be made to suit your specific requirements, or picked from our standard range.

We’ll handle the whole process, including installation, supports and watershed flashings.

Our range is extensive:

Flow Rates : 800 m³/hr to 65,000 m³/hr

Material Options :

  • Pre-Galv
  • Hot-Dipped Galvanised
  • Stainless

Types :

  • Hazardous Area Fans
  • General Ventilation Fans
  • Hi-Temperature

If you’re interested in hearing more, or have any other sheetmetal projects you’d like to talk to us about then get in touch today!

Talk to a Viking


#roofventilation #rooffans #axialfans #vikingironcraft #sheetmetal

We’re Back!

Happy New Year,

From all of us at Viking, we hope those of you that got a holiday in are well-rested and are as excited as we are for 2024.

We’ve got a number of huge projects that we’re already getting stuck into for the year, some of which we’ll be sharing a bit more about over the coming months.

If you’ve got any ideas for a sheetmetal project you’ve been sitting on for awhile, give us a call.

Whether we end up being the right solution for you or not, we’d love to have a discussion!